Why Join AFEU?

 Join AFEU Today 


If you are a civil servant at NASA Ames, AFEU is your union — we directly support (and bargain on behalf of) nearly all of the non-supervisory federal employees at NASA Ames (this is our CBU — collective bargaining unit).  As a result of AFEU’s work to keep NASA Ames safe, and because of our legislative work to keep NASA funded, all of Ames’s employees end up benefitting from AFEU’s work.

If you are in our collective bargaining unit, your union already makes your work better . . . 

If you are a non-supervisory federal employee at NASA Ames, then you are already receiving many union benefits, including:

  • The assurances of fair treatment by management in your workplace assignments, performance reviews and career path
  • A group of committed individuals (the union board) who will work to ensure a healthy and productive, family-friendly workplace
  • An “out of band” official channel to communicate suggested criticism to your management without exposing yourself to any retribution
  • Experienced confidants who can advise you on many aspects of government employment, including how to stay OUT of politics!
  • Advocates for YOUR interest, who are able and entitled to visit your representatives in Washington and inform them of how their policy decisions are affecting NASA and its workforce

Your union negotiates on your behalf for a wide range of issues: internet use policies, safety during construction, badges, performance awards, and much, much more.  Just look at our records of negotiation!

Additionally, your union represents you when you are uncomfortable with your employment for any reason.  A union steward can help you with a grievance when you feel that you’ve been unfairly treated, and a union representative can go with you to investigatory meetings (your Weingarten rights).


. . . . you have even more to gain by becoming a paying member.


Contributing members of our union pay only $12.81 each pay period.  This small amount supports your union.


We use this money to train our stewards and our union officers, and we use it to travel to lawmakers and fight on your behalf!  Without your union dues, we can’t do the work we do on behalf of the collective bargaining unit!


Union members directly participate in union business — they get the full story at our monthly membership meetings and they get a voice and a vote when it comes to deciding the direction for our union.


Union members also are eligible for training and can take on roles within the union.  Are you knowledgeable and passionate? You can negotiate with the center to improve work conditions for yourself and your colleagues.  Do you love helping people?  You can find a union role as a mentor or as a steward.  Looking for more opportunities to lead?  There is a union executive board position that you are perfect for!


While the personal benefits far outweigh the financial ones, there are good financial reasons to join, too!

The “Union Plus” program offers discounts on lots of common purchases simply for being a union member.


This includes such discounts as:

  • 15% off your AT&T Wireless bill,
  • $500 mortgage finance rebates from select banks/credit unions,
  • Theme park discounts such as Disneyland and Six Flags parks
  • Hotel and Rental car discounts
  • Vacation planning discounts
  • Legal Assistance
  • Scholarships
  • So much more stuff I can’t type any more bullets or you’re going to get bored and stop reading!

Have you managed to read this far?!? You are ready to join!


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