Words from IFPTE Leadership
1/28/2025 6:21 am
The following is a statement from Matt Biggs, IFPTE President and Gay Henson, Secretary-Treasurer.
To All IFPTE Federal Locals/Members:
Federal employees have been through a harrowing week.
In just a handful of days, you all have seen the multiple communiques sent from the highest levels of government leadership that take a disrespectful, accusatory, and mean-spirited view of the federal workforce. They convey the message that the leadership of our nation is discounting the contributions of federal workers who are part of a vibrant workforce, one that is strong in no small part due to its multifaceted diversity.
Federal workers take an oath to defend our nation and the Constitution and to faithfully discharge the duties of their office. The commitment, pride, and effort that federal workers show when they serve the American public stand in sharp contrast to those in our government who willfully sow fear among the federal workforce, seek to enact undemocratic and unaccountable structures, and are driven by an ideological understanding of government and government workers that is not grounded in reality.
You are not and IFPTE is not alone. Your union, IFPTE, is working with our union partners, with the AFL-CIO, the Federal Workers Alliance, and with organizations allied with labor unions to protect federal employees’ jobs and pay and benefits, uphold the civil service, and to maintain collective bargaining rights.
We are talking to lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, working to make sure politicians understand that going after federal workers’ benefits and their unions, allowing the Administration to erode civil service protections, and gutting federal agencies will undermine the federal services and resources that working Americans and the American economy count on. We are also in conversations with unions and allies on legal approaches that we will need to counter the poorly thought-out policies and violations of the law.
And we are listening to what you are telling us is happening on the ground. When your agencies implement OPM guidance, begin initiating steps to conform to Presidential Memos and Executive Orders, and tell you they are taking actions that disregard negotiated agreements, we need to hear from you (contact your local AFEU Board Member). The information you provide us is invaluable and informs what we do next.
Some of you have shared with us that federal employees are reaching out to join the union, looking to get involved, and understanding the need to stand with their union in this desperate time. While this is expected, we should always be encouraged, inspired, and welcome the moments when we see working people act on the knowledge that unity, Solidarity, and getting organized are how working people overcome and win in the face of powerful and well-financed forces.
The past week has shown us what we’re up against and we know there will be more difficult moments ahead. Please know that when we work together – when we all stand together in SOLIDARITY, we win. And please take moments to take care of yourself and those close to you. As the old sailors’ saying goes, "one hand for the ship, one hand for yourself."
Finally, we want to extend a hearty note of “thanks”, to IFPTE Legislative Director, Faraz Khan, and General Counsel, Teresa Ellis, who are leading our legislative and legal efforts.
In Solidarity,
Matt and Gay
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